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Embracing Beauty Fall Challenge - The One About Imposter's Syndrome...

I did not plan to check two more boxes on the challenge when I made my cup of yum. It just sort of happened that way. Beauty has a tendency to just show up when you're paying attention. I could have rushed through my Saturday morning but I decided to pause… and there it was. The coffee, the fall colors, and part of the story of our challenge serendipitously appeared right in front of me. This moment made me smile.

Week One - Happy Monday!

Hello Friends! I hope your weekend was one of rest.

As I shared in the group, fall temps have certainly set in here in Wisconsin. I enjoyed that first cup of warm coffee on a cool autumn morning. That first sip was so delightful, it nourished my soul. Such a simple thing to be thankful for; it was a reminder for me of God's provisions.

To make things easy, I'm posting the link to the page on my website where you can access the download as well as any emails and blog posts you may miss along the way. Bookmark the page or save this email for future reference.

Have you heard of Imposter's Syndrome?

It's this gnawing voice or collection of thoughts that play in the background of your mind. Making you think things like - “who do you think you are to create anything? You're not a real artist, photographer, writer, musician, etc… who are trying to fool?” Believe me when I tell you everyone experiences this. It's actually a subconscious defense mechanism that speaks in untruths. I also think it keeps us from actually embracing all of the beauty in this life that God has for us. I don't know about you, but I honestly don't want to miss everything He has for me by doubting. The amount of time I've wasted questioning my value and worth as a creative, well, it's ridiculous. It's also a joy robber. I truly want to help you through this aspect of a creative life. Tip # 2 - Don't listen to the doubt and the fear. Trust the stirrings within your soul and embrace what He shares as beautiful with you. It has purpose.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrom

I think as long as we create and make and reach for those new horizons within our souls, this unwanted guest is always going to try and steal our joy.

Take away its power like you would with any other fear. Pray for guidance, truth, and light to guide you. Not only in your creativity but in all areas of your life. It overflows from one area to the next, I promise.

Secondly, give it a name… something silly to you. Then when you start having those thoughts… call them out by name… “Hey there Gretchen, not today, I've got too many awesome things going. I'm not listening.” Imagine yourself in a schoolyard verbal back and forth - then you decide to turn and walk away with all of your art friends.

Creating our art... the art of our life as well as the art of our hands is an emotional connection to something deeper within. It is a connection to the Spirit of God within us. Engaging with this beauty is what makes us fully alive. We must choose what we listen to.

What's Happening this Week?

I have homework for you. ;)

1) Continue to take photos and/or create art that brings you joy.

2) Print out your photos. Take photos of your art and print those out too. Pick your top three to five photos so far.

3) Your next email will be on Wednesday with a supply list for our FB Live on Friday. We'll be making a very simple journal together that is rooted in the various ways to embrace the beauty in your world.

See you in the group! Not part of the challenge or community yet?

What are you waiting for? Join the fun today! Join the challenge at any time - full access to all emails and FB Lives when you join.


You can always reach me by email with any questions, comments, or suggestions. I'm always here to help you discover, create, and flourish in your authenticity and joy as an artist.

Why is this so important?

I believe our creative path is a sacred one, a gift, an invitation to embrace something fundamental within. Creativity opens our souls to honor and delight in the art that is longing for discovery and expression. It truly is a gift and a blessing to cultivate these whispers and experience the healing and joy that they offer along the way.


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