{My FIRST Welcome video Circa 2020 - It is where I started and is paving the way for where we are going together! :) }
The other day I was going through some old videos and I came across this little gem that I had yet to share anywhere. It's funny how life will steamroll your best intentions and dreams; hopefully not forever though.
Yes, sometimes, obviously, the most important things need to take priority...like a second breast cancer diagnosis in 18 months and the subsequent surgery and loooong recovery.
However, this deserves to be shared. My daughter filmed it as part of an assignment for her film class in March 2020. I added the audio and it is a tad quiet. Sorry. My editing skills and complete originality have improved since then. 😉
If I'm being 1000% honest, I am not the same person I was in this video. I am wiser, stronger, a little more tattered and worn, and more reliant than ever on Jesus. I'm beyond thankful that I STILL GET TO discover, embrace, capture, and create from the Beauty in it all.
The month of April, Lord willing is going to be epic. I am currently finishing the filming of my first-ever online class. Eeeek!! More on that a little later.
For now though I'd love to know dear friend, what is it that YOU STILL GET TO do?
What brings you joy, hope, happiness, purpose, and passion?
What is that THING you are here to do?
PS - there is a cameo of my Moosey Babe at the end.
PSS - If you don't know yet, I tend to collect rescue cats like art supplies. Well, close anyways.
I was too heartbroken to share on all of the social media platforms, but last July my sweet Moosey crossed the rainbow bridge. He was fourteen years old and honestly was my soul cat. He was by my side through ALL of my surgeries and recoveries for breast cancer. Prior to that, he was my studio apprentice. He LOVED creating with me. When my art table was in the basement, he was allowed on that table. So, when we shot this video with all of the art supplies on the dining room table - we had to bend the rules if just for a few moments. I am so glad we did.

It was an honor to love him.